GOLDEN PAGODA, Japanese modern short kimono
Nice and modern Japanese woman's kimono robe made of easy care silky polyester. Silhouette
of a pagoda and Japanese garden red bridge among flourishing cherry
trees and pines are printed all over this lovely kimono. This kimono
robe is comfortable home gown and unforgettable gift from Japan.
Price: US$ 72.50
- material: silky polyester
- kimono length: 42" /107cm
- full around: 50,7" / 129 cm
- one size fit to XS, S and M
- color: light violet
- machine washable
- the belt of the same material is incl.
- made in Japan
Express mail (EMS) delivery fee from Japan to USA,
Canada, Australia - US$ 31.00 to UK and Europe - US$